
Genre swing music

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Swing music is a lively and rhythmic style of jazz that emerged in the early 20th century, characterized by its strong groove, syncopated rhythms, and emphasis on a "swinging" beat perfect for dancing. It often features a big band setup with sections of brass, woodwinds, and rhythm instruments creating an energetic and harmonious sound. Swing music is known for its improvisational solos and upbeat, joyful vibe that captivated audiences and brought people together on dance floors worldwide. (AI Generated)

Most popular swing music artists

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Parent Genre: jazz

Related genres

Instruments used

Drum Kit, Double Bass, Piano, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Clarinet, Electric Guitar, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Swing Music genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1262
2025 3
2024 206
2023 284
2022 252
2021 273
2020 244
2010s 1784
2019 229
2018 177
2017 183
2016 149
2015 176
2014 168
2013 186
2012 186
2011 177
2010 153
2000s 1233
2009 220
2008 159
2007 132
2006 128
2005 131
2004 78
2003 83
2002 76
2001 82
2000 144
1990s 563
1999 84
1998 67
1997 55
1996 78
1995 46
1994 67
1993 52
1992 41
1991 36
1990 37
1980s 127
1989 34
1988 23
1987 26
1986 7
1985 5
1984 6
1983 7
1982 8
1981 6
1980 5
1970s 117
1979 6
1978 12
1977 9
1976 6
1975 14
1974 17
1973 13
1972 14
1971 5
1970 21
1960s 297
1969 13
1968 22
1967 18
1966 35
1965 31
1964 30
1963 35
1962 36
1961 29
1960 48
1950s 295
1959 39
1958 50
1957 52
1956 45
1955 35
1954 20
1953 16
1952 15
1951 8
1950 15
1940s 58
1949 2
1948 5
1947 5
1946 8
1945 7
1944 10
1943 6
1942 2
1941 7
1940 6
1930s 90
1939 22
1938 14
1937 9
1936 7
1935 10
1934 5
1933 8
1932 8
1931 4
1930 3
1920s 34
1929 2
1928 6
1927 7
1926 8
1925 2
1924 2
1923 3
1922 1
1921 2
1920 1
1910s 4
1913 1
1912 2
1910 1
1900s 2
1909 2
1890s 2
1899 2
5868 releases

swing music playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular swing music music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular swing music Songs

Top New swing music Songs of 2024

swing music music by decade

Explore swing music history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of swing music artists

Here is a list of swing music artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the swing music genre. You can find out what swing music genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 78 7832934
2 68 2618083
3 70 3085218
4 59 477187
5 41 32865
6 48 37613
7 58 927377
8 50 414742
9 61 379081
10 45 92531
11 36 22660
12 51 400269
13 55 546168
14 39 5758
15 43 162367
16 37 53261
17 71 1837638
18 46 30279
19 50 109174
20 42 134169
21 39 25772
22 47 112786
23 41 5883
24 37 55702
25 36 60904
26 43 69386
27 43 36564
28 36 40296
29 49 534527
30 38 62233
31 36 43615
32 59 585943
33 60 213617
34 41 35195
35 46 25505
36 44 104328
37 36 28350
38 57 216301
39 50 41199
40 49 142843
41 39 14332
42 37 18906
43 45 105683
44 45 166387
45 51 7176
46 52 78629
47 39 152856
48 60 1083302
49 51 33367
50 59 1116685
51 43 30658
52 39 115649
53 42 127246
54 36 54199
55 40 42335
56 53 385014
57 40 150177
58 40 2519
59 51 146450
60 55 66676
61 38 30112
62 36 9549
63 58 1155768
64 46 104133
65 45 137772
66 46 46978
67 42 81250
68 44 63600
69 40 72223
70 42 16617
71 38 167665
72 35 12298
73 41 41451
74 44 121965
75 44 73273
76 44 35555
77 36 73901
78 43 75264
79 43 29371
80 41 11465
81 40 59142
82 40 8158
83 40 37791
84 39 20417
85 39 6566
86 39 25050
87 39 23931
88 37 13869
89 37 44460
90 36 9845
91 35 15788
92 36 9641
93 40 50013
94 37 52087
95 41 47038
96 44 311954
97 42 10802
98 41 162921
99 37 6013
100 36 59216