
Genre: tagalog rap

Play genre

Tagalog rap music is a genre that combines traditional Filipino music with modern hip-hop beats and lyrics. It often features fast-paced rhymes and catchy hooks that are easy to sing along to. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists known for their unique styles and ability to connect with their audience. The lyrics often touch on social issues, personal struggles, and the Filipino experience. Overall, Tagalog rap music is a vibrant and dynamic genre that continues to evolve and grow in popularity.

Most popular tagalog rap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Tagalog Rap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1399
2024 137
2023 381
2022 331
2021 272
2020 278
2010s 237
2019 123
2018 55
2017 21
2016 13
2015 11
2014 4
2013 4
2012 3
2010 3
1990s 2
1996 2
1638 releases

Popular tagalog rap Songs

Top New tagalog rap Songs of 2024

tagalog rap music by decade

Explore tagalog rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of tagalog rap artists

Here is a list of tagalog rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the tagalog rap genre. You can find out what tagalog rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 72 2934847
2 59 692545
3 62 832947
4 49 231552
5 46 131142
6 68 1991915
7 57 504214
8 56 230650
9 52 745480
10 63 551617
11 60 424716
12 54 43751
13 56 166670
14 65 713300
15 64 336646
16 62 400441
17 49 166600
18 58 150577
19 61 58021
20 52 944231
21 52 334088
22 60 267170
23 60 19427
24 59 206173
25 59 308316
26 59 208380
27 59 395040
28 45 263475
29 57 112408
30 44 64487
31 44 30432
32 55 231433
33 46 297815
34 54 96061
35 54 130004
36 53 101444
37 53 30547
38 53 183081
39 52 257206
40 39 14249
41 52 8768
42 51 5166
43 38 147871
44 50 194048
45 39 27452
46 36 96376
47 36 32783
48 49 158059
49 48 206141
50 41 563827
51 47 26310
52 36 7660
53 40 61034
54 46 29746
55 46 44270
56 46 61635
57 46 172517
58 46 97117
59 45 134700
60 45 113870
61 37 42648
62 44 29119
63 43 183048
64 43 74047
65 42 56940
66 42 50325
67 42 19334
68 42 48010
69 42 88470
70 41 44914
71 41 54819
72 41 113293
73 41 25571
74 40 126274
75 40 4097
76 40 16020
77 40 14181
78 39 13856
79 39 9539
80 39 32939
81 39 40080
82 39 2981
83 38 16445
84 37 79511
85 37 28662
86 36 72259
87 36 10589
88 65 616158
89 56 13971
90 47 134261
91 39 20669
92 47 42468
93 45 8108
94 44 32100
95 41 19980
96 39 118721
97 39 10152
98 39 28988
99 38 23939
100 36 18057

tagalog rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular tagalog rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.