
Genre tamil dance

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Tamil dance music is a vibrant and energetic genre characterized by pulsating rhythms, catchy melodies, and dynamic beats. It often blends traditional Tamil musical elements with contemporary electronic sounds, creating an infectious groove that's perfect for dancing. The music typically features lively instrumentation, including drums, synthesizers, and a variety of percussions, and often accompanies festive visuals that celebrate Tamil culture and heritage. It's a genre that invokes excitement and is integral to social gatherings and film soundtracks. (AI Generated)

Most popular tamil dance artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Tamil Dance genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1105
2025 7
2024 126
2023 282
2022 274
2021 210
2020 206
2010s 1356
2019 160
2018 208
2017 122
2016 159
2015 136
2014 152
2013 150
2012 108
2011 86
2010 75
2000s 591
2009 75
2008 58
2007 65
2006 64
2005 54
2004 75
2003 47
2002 55
2001 61
2000 37
1990s 210
1999 38
1998 24
1997 30
1996 32
1995 19
1994 18
1993 15
1992 14
1991 9
1990 11
1980s 69
1989 11
1988 4
1987 13
1986 14
1985 2
1984 9
1983 3
1982 7
1981 2
1980 4
1970s 35
1979 6
1978 3
1976 4
1975 1
1974 5
1973 2
1972 3
1971 1
1970 10
1960s 30
1969 3
1968 2
1967 3
1966 6
1965 3
1963 4
1961 4
1960 5
1950s 17
1959 5
1958 6
1955 2
1953 1
1952 1
1951 1
1950 1
1940s 5
1949 1
1948 2
1946 1
1945 1
3418 releases

tamil dance playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular tamil dance music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular tamil dance Songs

Top New tamil dance Songs of 2024

Most popular tamil dance albums

Dheema (From "Love Insurance Kompany")
Badass (From "Leo")
Red Sea (From "Devara Part 1")
Darling (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Shiv Tandav Stotram
Aadukalam (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Devara Thandavam (From "Devara Part 1")
Sillunu Oru Kadhal (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack )

tamil dance music by decade

Explore tamil dance history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of tamil dance artists

Here is a list of tamil dance artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the tamil dance genre. You can find out what tamil dance genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 74 4969094
2 82 36466226
3 69 3547838
4 66 979847
5 73 8575890
6 65 1464651
7 75 10254643
8 63 1038351
9 58 204172
10 57 54855
11 63 64927
12 75 13568887
13 74 15409904
14 60 4215626
15 59 303612
16 58 68227
17 58 76403
18 58 914660
19 58 81512
20 56 129259
21 56 283057
22 56 135921
23 55 72222
24 55 109549
25 55 104116
26 54 124246
27 53 97546
28 55 93361
29 65 343137
30 69 10961281
31 61 399807
32 61 207884
33 79 59187316
34 70 3019777
35 55 82148
36 53 220047
37 66 3601925
38 53 72593
39 64 6546678
40 57 115136
41 61 1453329
42 70 1486755
43 59 575324
44 58 100754
45 65 1960901
46 55 29054
47 55 151282
48 54 56248
49 54 380402
50 66 1048856
51 52 31092
52 72 9280596
53 58 320245
54 57 1725276
55 69 12323534
56 56 231804
57 66 3326395
58 66 1459409
59 54 137872
60 65 118552
61 64 617128
62 53 15197
63 63 1555804
64 63 1510143
65 63 6870453
66 61 199706
67 61 73187
68 60 2937490
69 60 9857
70 60 59114
71 60 76864
72 59 570290
73 58 58891
74 58 1380067
75 58 80154
76 57 2281473
77 56 203636
78 56 8475
79 55 221710
80 54 24363
81 54 26682
82 54 54934
83 53 1366840
84 52 14288
85 52 21935
86 58 194102
87 57 90282
88 52 148520
89 57 144486
90 75 11599758
91 53 129239
92 68 347403
93 54 147486
94 67 296924
95 58 1153197
96 56 80991
97 52 46353
98 58 58617
99 61 78723
100 65 3336164