
Genre: tecnobrega

Play genre

Tecnobrega is a popular music genre from Brazil that combines traditional rhythms with electronic beats. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and use of synthesizers and drum machines. The lyrics often focus on love, relationships, and partying. Tecnobrega has gained a large following in Brazil and has produced several successful artists and bands.

Most popular tecnobrega artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Tecnobrega genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 340
2024 26
2023 87
2022 78
2021 82
2020 67
2010s 242
2019 59
2018 20
2017 28
2016 25
2015 44
2014 17
2013 11
2012 16
2011 8
2010 14
2000s 151
2009 21
2008 10
2007 17
2006 17
2005 20
2004 17
2003 19
2002 13
2001 12
2000 5
1990s 29
1999 10
1998 5
1997 9
1996 1
1995 2
1994 1
1993 1
762 releases

Popular tecnobrega Songs

Top New tecnobrega Songs of 2024

tecnobrega music by decade

Explore tecnobrega history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of tecnobrega artists

Here is a list of tecnobrega artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the tecnobrega genre. You can find out what tecnobrega genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 326081
2 64 1176667
3 61 615476
4 49 173971
5 53 669858
6 40 119055
7 42 36199
8 47 246270
9 37 14582
10 33 21369
11 43 56731
12 40 144507
13 48 74061
14 43 136347
15 43 176420
16 43 163173
17 43 56797
18 41 142118
19 41 28349
20 41 22747
21 41 43285
22 43 72636
23 42 20923
24 32 17402
25 42 206406
26 31 55226
27 54 159435
28 30 22274
29 35 27784
30 51 63826
31 36 35253
32 35 19345
33 31 9581
34 33 30790
35 34 19651
36 22 59979
37 22 93526
38 43 127742
39 28 17718
40 27 5734
41 36 128510
42 30 28877
43 19 5357
44 28 24768
45 22 2708
46 21 10487
47 23 4586
48 35 18087
49 37 90166
50 13 82331
51 12 4601
52 22 4147
53 33 16473
54 20 18224
55 5 1616
56 13 2164
57 30 17315
58 30 30563
59 30 7992
60 29 12788
61 11 2398
62 28 10012
63 27 7490
64 25 8314
65 24 10339
66 24 4051
67 7 2266
68 4 674
69 18 10439
70 22 64
71 21 1538
72 21 1488
73 20 8165
74 19 6378
75 20 8082
76 18 9196
77 16 7120
78 15 8646
79 14 8649
80 13 2372
81 12 640
82 11 3247
83 10 2460
84 10 5239
85 10 377
86 7 3124
87 6 6534
88 6 495
89 6 97
90 5 1342
91 5 1710
92 4 1913
93 3 459
94 2 385
95 1 2804
96 1 6601

tecnobrega playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular tecnobrega music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.