
Genre tekno

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Tekno music is a high-energy electronic dance music genre that originated in Europe. It is characterized by its fast-paced beats, heavy basslines, and futuristic sound effects. The genre often incorporates elements of trance, techno, and hardstyle music. Tekno music is popular in the underground rave scene and is known for its intense and energetic live performances. (AI Generated)

Most popular tekno artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Tekno genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 9732
2025 25
2024 1764
2023 3155
2022 2141
2021 1405
2020 1242
2010s 2071
2019 651
2018 406
2017 261
2016 190
2015 120
2014 107
2013 100
2012 110
2011 56
2010 70
2000s 133
2009 37
2008 26
2007 19
2006 15
2005 6
2004 4
2003 9
2002 6
2001 9
2000 2
1990s 12
1999 6
1998 2
1995 1
1994 1
1993 1
1992 1
11948 releases

tekno playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular tekno music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular tekno Songs

Top New tekno Songs of 2024

tekno music by decade

Explore tekno history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of tekno artists

Here is a list of tekno artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the tekno genre. You can find out what tekno genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 46 23944
2 57 309798
3 54 283663
4 52 22171
5 52 60194
6 52 30788
7 51 70064
8 51 8253
9 61 152541
10 45 5560
11 46 47993
12 46 12930
13 46 16003
14 45 20087
15 44 15478
16 55 74661
17 56 384552
18 45 51383
19 53 189329
20 59 145921
21 51 93749
22 47 85658
23 50 170516
24 48 15521
25 49 255392
26 52 100700
27 46 75093
28 46 17890
29 45 9721
30 45 24448
31 44 81088
32 46 26592
33 45 31608
34 59 1055366
35 58 213571
36 54 169129
37 54 659081
38 53 537774
39 50 84814
40 49 65730
41 45 153096
42 48 10109
43 46 83261
44 48 7707
45 44 1956
46 62 134061
47 44 27317
48 49 7945
49 48 6989
50 45 42520
51 44 38684
52 51 199623
53 47 75195
54 58 417466
55 56 523641
56 48 106024
57 47 57418
58 45 40822
59 60 9264
60 59 136821
61 47 18728
62 55 17890
63 57 55372
64 45 17551
65 55 16216
66 44 7251
67 53 10765
68 47 118087
69 52 4977
70 48 101957
71 49 15885
72 45 22399
73 44 34118
74 55 389888
75 55 35176
76 54 28209
77 53 9376
78 48 11332
79 48 8033
80 48 7212
81 46 11174
82 45 6245
83 59 57440
84 57 26867
85 55 83056
86 53 54533
87 51 5899
88 50 6298
89 47 56145
90 48 90395
91 48 30804
92 45 791
93 47 989
94 47 8598
95 47 44713
96 46 15442
97 46 3291
98 46 8623
99 45 13341
100 44 2165