
Genre telugu pop

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Telugu pop music is a vibrant and eclectic genre that blends contemporary beats with traditional melodies, creating a unique and dynamic sound. It often incorporates a mix of rhythmic elements, catchy hooks, and modern production techniques, making it appealing to a broad audience. The genre reflects the cultural richness of the Telugu-speaking regions, offering energetic performances and engaging narratives that resonate with both young and old listeners. (AI Generated)

Most popular telugu pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Telugu Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1835
2025 3
2024 166
2023 481
2022 461
2021 380
2020 344
2010s 1768
2019 283
2018 297
2017 188
2016 178
2015 141
2014 207
2013 186
2012 113
2011 93
2010 82
2000s 859
2009 94
2008 109
2007 82
2006 71
2005 79
2004 82
2003 107
2002 94
2001 85
2000 56
1990s 380
1999 61
1998 43
1997 44
1996 34
1995 32
1994 36
1993 39
1992 37
1991 29
1990 25
1980s 232
1989 25
1988 17
1987 25
1986 29
1985 17
1984 33
1983 28
1982 23
1981 19
1980 16
1970s 103
1979 11
1978 11
1977 13
1976 13
1975 9
1974 13
1973 11
1972 9
1971 11
1970 2
1960s 81
1969 9
1968 3
1967 11
1966 2
1965 10
1964 10
1963 8
1962 8
1961 11
1960 9
1950s 36
1959 5
1958 5
1957 11
1956 3
1955 7
1953 2
1952 1
1951 2
1900s 3
1905 3
5297 releases

telugu pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular telugu pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular telugu pop Songs

Top New telugu pop Songs of 2024

telugu pop music by decade

Explore telugu pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of telugu pop artists

Here is a list of telugu pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the telugu pop genre. You can find out what telugu pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 73 4935719
2 69 3537397
3 73 8551817
4 64 1460353
5 58 201600
6 82 36466226
7 65 3306003
8 78 17273260
9 57 53101
10 75 10233985
11 63 211126
12 66 954762
13 63 1035415
14 62 62096
15 66 5327575
16 69 2208804
17 59 4203831
18 59 300255
19 58 73766
20 58 911863
21 58 66906
22 57 79001
23 55 125238
24 55 70192
25 75 8545920
26 55 106959
27 55 279027
28 55 132964
29 55 102537
30 59 571867
31 53 121920
32 72 3726121
33 74 17796349
34 61 2783840
35 59 609439
36 66 1451342
37 65 926852
38 63 1643065
39 63 2793659
40 61 1177919
41 60 473208
42 60 60528
43 57 104266
44 54 367460
45 53 56469
46 53 331192
47 58 193877
48 56 88944
49 60 2240166
50 53 910115
51 68 342411
52 71 4847050
53 67 296924
54 71 22939125
55 69 3061455
56 73 6589893
57 53 235159
58 64 2058472
59 58 1145477
60 56 78655
61 64 452272
62 58 1794374
63 62 429986
64 55 15179
65 59 535742
66 59 2684610
67 55 44917
68 67 2123713
69 67 97236
70 66 412974
71 65 53581
72 57 878779
73 53 269262
74 63 91078
75 62 4761
76 62 58498
77 62 252909
78 61 980107
79 61 778713
80 61 978437
81 60 1046202
82 60 1192901
83 60 1460555
84 59 2669372
85 58 553992
86 58 2201043
87 58 339764
88 57 1571302
89 57 22852
90 57 16033
91 56 2760
92 56 393566
93 55 204991
94 54 79419
95 53 834654
96 53 1427283
97 53 127267
98 53 473067
99 58 53323
100 62 5730837