
Genre: thai hip hop

Play genre

Parent Genre: Hip Hop

Thai hip hop is a genre that blends traditional Thai music with modern hip hop beats and rhythms. It often incorporates elements of rap, electronic music, and pop, and is characterized by its catchy hooks and energetic performances. Maiyarap, Saran, and YOUNGOHM are all prominent artists in the Thai hip hop scene, known for their unique styles and innovative approaches to the genre. Their music often addresses social and political issues, as well as personal experiences and emotions. Overall, Thai hip hop is a vibrant and dynamic genre that continues to evolve and grow in popularity both in Thailand and around the world.

Most popular thai hip hop artists

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Popular thai hip hop Songs

Top New thai hip hop Songs of 2024

thai hip hop music by decade

Explore thai hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of thai hip hop artists

Here is a list of thai hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the thai hip hop genre. You can find out what thai hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 1570582
2 54 455261
3 52 327836
4 60 1964691
5 56 509861
6 50 395341
7 45 64728
8 60 811130
9 59 518579
10 44 374539
11 42 196627
12 41 157068
13 40 41245
14 54 1061330
15 53 338121
16 37 60602
17 36 180672
18 36 243248
19 36 100985
20 35 28734
21 31 72103
22 45 66220
23 52 155024
24 27 29536
25 27 47911
26 49 854485
27 41 288365
28 25 15859
29 48 642570
30 47 29540
31 23 48718
32 46 76965
33 22 16948
34 44 35634
35 43 225212
36 38 46041
37 41 56857
38 41 37680
39 40 74018
40 39 103594
41 39 94397
42 39 53056
43 33 60773
44 34 62149
45 35 2180
46 35 74960
47 11 4485
48 33 30207
49 33 39587
50 32 365
51 31 4584
52 31 72015
53 30 13130
54 29 11115
55 29 8348
56 27 6911
57 27 2119
58 26 14713
59 26 10357
60 26 452
61 25 57837
62 24 16619
63 24 7861
64 23 3791
65 22 7567
66 21 2828
67 21 930
68 20 48378
69 19 4697
70 18 2811
71 18 5547
72 18 1139
73 17 6084
74 17 6835
75 17 43799
76 16 2277
77 16 1615
78 15 16739
79 15 11787
80 15 7911
81 15 1164
82 15 23509
83 14 3148
84 14 19264
85 13 4673
86 13 1700
87 12 507
88 11 12883
89 10 35001
90 9 1532
91 9 8791
92 9 624
93 8 1802
94 7 3948
95 7 1534
96 7 1014
97 7 7179
98 7 2695
99 6 2886
100 6 123

thai hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular thai hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.