
Genre: timba

Play genre

Timba is a popular music genre that originated in Cuba in the late 1980s. It is a fusion of traditional Cuban music with elements of jazz, funk, and salsa. Timba is characterized by its complex rhythms, intricate horn arrangements, and energetic vocals. The genre has gained popularity in recent years with the emergence of new bands such as Combinacion De La Habana, David Calzado y su Charanga Habanera, and Havana D’Primera. Timba music is known for its upbeat and danceable rhythms, making it a favorite among Latin music fans. (AI Generated)

Most popular timba artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Timba genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 233
2024 32
2023 65
2022 41
2021 41
2020 54
2010s 258
2019 35
2018 39
2017 27
2016 16
2015 24
2014 33
2013 29
2012 19
2011 22
2010 14
2000s 145
2009 15
2008 24
2007 13
2006 17
2005 17
2004 9
2003 15
2002 12
2001 8
2000 15
1990s 42
1999 9
1998 7
1997 8
1996 5
1995 6
1994 3
1993 1
1991 1
1990 2
1980s 3
1989 1
1988 1
1987 1
1900s 1
1905 1
682 releases

Popular timba Songs

Top New timba Songs of 2024

timba music by decade

Explore timba history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of timba artists

Here is a list of timba artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the timba genre. You can find out what timba genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 106421
2 49 182469
3 54 204489
4 44 142535
5 43 65009
6 46 300697
7 46 120138
8 53 230620
9 45 98773
10 49 1032882
11 49 655350
12 39 101476
13 47 202429
14 43 227122
15 46 75299
16 44 213644
17 41 384767
18 43 35817
19 42 117659
20 41 17297
21 40 271267
22 39 6665
23 38 159515
24 37 3838
25 50 97885
26 37 36673
27 37 52712
28 37 10437
29 44 49987
30 45 41910
31 44 126339
32 42 63293
33 56 604981
34 39 20150
35 38 38955
36 52 115151
37 37 46902
38 50 156921
39 42 108989
40 46 20931
41 47 196487
42 46 62360
43 45 74073
44 45 312679
45 37 2931
46 43 41959
47 42 16049
48 42 264558
49 39 34546
50 41 61817
51 39 170939
52 39 422
53 39 1552
54 38 2199
55 37 42995
56 37 49013
57 62 12384
58 62 187394
59 57 214937
60 60 133549
61 54 44264
62 41 24226
63 57 13640
64 56 39738
65 39 16337
66 52 76146
67 53 4170
68 51 89972
69 50 45294
70 49 107805
71 48 62653
72 47 36524
73 47 34268
74 45 32374
75 44 20747
76 41 25705
77 43 35855
78 43 5172
79 43 2218
80 43 19881
81 43 106925
82 42 21056
83 42 28691
84 42 5455
85 42 93204
86 41 3032
87 41 867
88 41 52557
89 41 98342
90 41 452
91 40 43286
92 40 21915
93 40 14443
94 40 19173
95 40 21244
96 39 1019
97 39 48818
98 39 32507
99 38 21650
100 37 2056

timba playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular timba music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.