
Genre: traditional reggae

Play genre

Reggae music is a genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s. It is characterized by its distinctive rhythm, which is often referred to as the "one drop" beat. The lyrics of reggae songs often address social and political issues, as well as themes of love and spirituality. Traditional reggae music often features a strong bassline, guitar and keyboard melodies, and a prominent use of percussion instruments such as drums and bongos. It has influenced many other genres of music, including hip hop and electronic music.

Most popular traditional reggae artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Traditional Reggae genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 105
2024 19
2023 37
2022 18
2021 14
2020 17
2010s 114
2019 13
2018 13
2017 9
2016 5
2015 17
2014 15
2013 11
2012 12
2011 7
2010 12
2000s 71
2009 18
2008 8
2007 12
2006 14
2005 6
2004 2
2003 2
2002 3
2001 2
2000 4
1990s 5
1999 1
1997 1
1996 1
1995 1
1991 1
1980s 3
1988 1
1983 1
1981 1
1970s 3
1979 2
1977 1
1960s 1
1969 1
302 releases

Popular traditional reggae Songs

Top New traditional reggae Songs of 2024

traditional reggae music by decade

Explore traditional reggae history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of traditional reggae artists

Here is a list of traditional reggae artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the traditional reggae genre. You can find out what traditional reggae genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 44 14251
2 35 7823
3 33 6005
4 31 1694
5 30 5590
6 19 9071
7 28 9122
8 27 7204
9 26 10166
10 23 7011
11 35 12621
12 24 3594
13 23 6784
14 36 4413
15 16 1289
16 26 3988
17 18 3770
18 12 1356
19 13 1111
20 13 2785
21 29 3244
22 10 1174
23 10 613
24 19 9637
25 18 1916
26 24 4688
27 23 6514
28 11 1908
29 22 812
30 21 33110
31 21 1488
32 21 1891
33 13 3176
34 13 1565
35 13 2530
36 19 3433
37 19 1112
38 13 1671
39 11 1861
40 17 2283
41 17 591
42 14 1938
43 17 635
44 17 623
45 9 4340
46 13 1480
47 16 2441
48 8 3026
49 15 981
50 15 1237
51 15 2422
52 12 1306
53 14 699
54 12 1843
55 13 693
56 6 1372
57 12 745
58 12 1491
59 12 928
60 5 1887
61 11 1144
62 11 798
63 11 1073
64 10 645
65 10 521
66 10 1361
67 10 920
68 9 1406
69 9 1998
70 8 4170
71 8 587
72 8 561
73 8 1138
74 8 1168
75 8 530
76 7 933
77 7 1638
78 7 1296
79 7 1279
80 7 1206
81 7 1206
82 7 1040
83 7 740
84 7 579
85 6 683
86 6 716
87 6 1074
88 6 466
89 6 523
90 5 1263
91 5 683
92 5 1495
93 5 1067
94 5 40
95 5 423
96 5 454
97 5 938
98 5 758
99 5 383
100 5 906

traditional reggae playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular traditional reggae music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.