
Genre: trap antillais

Play genre

Trap antillais is a subgenre of trap music that originated in the French Caribbean islands. It combines elements of traditional Caribbean music with modern trap beats and lyrics. The genre is characterized by its heavy use of autotune, catchy hooks, and aggressive delivery. The lyrics often touch on themes of street life, violence, and drug use. Trap antillais has gained popularity in France and other French-speaking countries, and has been embraced by a new generation of young artists.

Most popular trap antillais artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Trap Antillais genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 450
2024 39
2023 133
2022 110
2021 75
2020 93
2010s 198
2019 61
2018 44
2017 37
2016 17
2015 11
2014 10
2013 7
2012 5
2011 4
2010 2
2000s 1
2009 1
1970s 1
1970 1
650 releases

Popular trap antillais Songs

Top New trap antillais Songs of 2024

trap antillais music by decade

Explore trap antillais history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of trap antillais artists

Here is a list of trap antillais artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the trap antillais genre. You can find out what trap antillais genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 64 795201
2 39 70719
3 40 53836
4 35 31565
5 33 42320
6 53 73008
7 27 16166
8 35 23199
9 34 18432
10 24 15231
11 31 14546
12 38 18321
13 30 24419
14 66 1913821
15 14 5124
16 23 11180
17 17 2955
18 22 4714
19 32 16111
20 30 10660
21 39 29954
22 27 7254
23 26 5207
24 33 15093
25 51 31898
26 18 5634
27 17 1475
28 48 45392
29 17 1249
30 15 8259
31 14 1043
32 11 830
33 40 4150
34 7 2198
35 7 660
36 7 1969
37 36 16702
38 5 90
39 35 17311
40 33 21475
41 35 17326
42 35 13430
43 31 7899
44 32 9542
45 32 16389
46 32 17263
47 28 6419
48 30 28404
49 30 9643
50 29 6545
51 29 5141
52 25 4493
53 23 6832
54 23 4674
55 23 2768
56 22 1928
57 21 733
58 21 5520
59 20 2308
60 20 2738
61 17 2941
62 16 1815
63 16 5837
64 16 1545
65 16 2869
66 15 2526
67 15 2621
68 14 3121
69 14 2473
70 13 3249
71 13 712
72 12 338
73 12 264
74 12 15480
75 12 1026
76 11 440
77 11 1147
78 11 488
79 9 473
80 10 2400
81 10 1074
82 9 3012
83 8 1016
84 8 562
85 8 698
86 8 489
87 8 529
88 7 1810
89 7 788
90 7 1636
91 6 116
92 6 314
93 6 565
94 5 200
95 5 706
96 5 598
97 5 1231
98 4 240
99 4 553
100 4 34

trap antillais playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular trap antillais music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.