
Genre: trap chileno

Play genre

Trap chileno is a subgenre of trap music that originated in Chile. It is characterized by its heavy use of autotune, trap beats, and lyrics that often depict the realities of life in Chilean urban areas. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many young artists emerging and creating music that resonates with Chilean youth.

Most popular trap chileno artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Trap Chileno genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 565
2024 39
2023 129
2022 114
2021 112
2020 171
2010s 187
2019 94
2018 61
2017 23
2016 5
2013 2
2011 1
2010 1
752 releases

Popular trap chileno Songs

Top New trap chileno Songs of 2024

trap chileno music by decade

Explore trap chileno history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of trap chileno artists

Here is a list of trap chileno artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the trap chileno genre. You can find out what trap chileno genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 71 1039426
2 72 1410653
3 72 579204
4 67 575225
5 64 356187
6 71 178277
7 63 1144079
8 55 108612
9 61 465774
10 59 435254
11 49 139275
12 50 71331
13 61 42776
14 49 116365
15 52 137796
16 54 56060
17 46 147873
18 53 69117
19 47 238264
20 52 228139
21 41 26397
22 46 2021
23 51 79657
24 49 45306
25 48 45748
26 48 55119
27 34 6075
28 43 16997
29 40 19075
30 39 20543
31 36 40306
32 40 14605
33 36 38709
34 36 20166
35 37 44014
36 37 36668
37 35 26574
38 33 2552
39 32 16634
40 29 33658
41 27 17229
42 31 3986
43 31 2920
44 30 2143
45 30 25712
46 28 6169
47 22 4971
48 23 6283
49 26 26674
50 25 19294
51 24 7428
52 21 3583
53 19 3254
54 19 5072
55 23 744
56 22 31876
57 22 19564
58 18 4207
59 22 1934
60 19 5804
61 18 1285
62 12 25280
63 17 3204
64 17 4027
65 17 3325
66 17 12795
67 17 2313
68 16 1060
69 16 2622
70 13 4053
71 12 5065
72 12 1489
73 12 2814
74 12 991
75 11 1260
76 11 1180
77 11 1616
78 10 1721
79 9 3518
80 10 1650
81 9 2833
82 8 1433
83 7 1766
84 7 13751
85 6 746
86 6 669
87 6 2469
88 6 1405
89 5 1537
90 5 757
91 5 292
92 5 1043
93 5 540
94 4 304
95 4 406
96 4 618
97 4 935
98 3 1030
99 3 844
100 3 276

trap chileno playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular trap chileno music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.