
Genre: trap cristao

Play genre

Trap cristão is a subgenre of Christian music that combines elements of trap music with lyrics that promote Christian values and beliefs. The music often features heavy beats, electronic instrumentation, and autotuned vocals, while the lyrics touch on topics such as faith, redemption, and the struggles of everyday life. The genre has gained popularity in Brazil and has been embraced by a younger generation of Christian music fans.

Most popular trap cristao artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Trap Cristao genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 521
2024 48
2023 145
2022 117
2021 103
2020 108
2010s 117
2019 51
2018 31
2017 16
2016 7
2015 4
2014 2
2013 2
2012 3
2010 1
2000s 3
2009 1
2007 1
2004 1
641 releases

Popular trap cristao Songs

Top New trap cristao Songs of 2024

trap cristao music by decade

Explore trap cristao history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of trap cristao artists

Here is a list of trap cristao artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the trap cristao genre. You can find out what trap cristao genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 52 122860
2 57 198342
3 56 197061
4 41 32505
5 44 34566
6 53 146501
7 51 356
8 48 12655
9 48 7755
10 37 3796
11 47 24800
12 42 28983
13 46 17561
14 36 27325
15 45 13057
16 45 24380
17 31 28073
18 42 7410
19 32 11693
20 41 9485
21 40 26471
22 39 4628
23 35 7796
24 29 16805
25 39 38078
26 38 10772
27 39 12921
28 37 3795
29 38 11033
30 38 11488
31 36 8503
32 36 8357
33 33 11407
34 35 2043
35 35 5079
36 35 2853
37 34 5308
38 34 1752
39 30 2677
40 33 14004
41 33 12948
42 33 14715
43 33 3877
44 33 23123
45 32 2129
46 29 10344
47 31 4036
48 31 4369
49 30 2433
50 30 3123
51 20 4395
52 29 4150
53 29 704
54 29 1975
55 29 1479
56 28 8259
57 28 1912
58 28 3219
59 28 1609
60 28 2079
61 28 2517
62 18 3797
63 27 404
64 27 3817
65 26 4419
66 27 4330
67 26 2087
68 26 676
69 26 1651
70 26 11553
71 26 8361
72 25 826
73 25 995
74 25 349
75 24 6877
76 24 2307
77 23 1474
78 23 1005
79 23 408
80 22 2429
81 22 867
82 22 7014
83 22 263
84 22 438
85 21 997
86 21 1174
87 21 314
88 21 727
89 20 641
90 20 4607
91 20 1943
92 20 443
93 20 190
94 20 2435
95 19 682
96 19 566
97 19 753
98 19 465
99 18 1294
100 18 590

trap cristao playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular trap cristao music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.