
Genre: trap queen

Play genre

Trap queen is a subgenre of hip-hop that is characterized by its heavy use of trap beats and lyrics that often focus on themes of wealth, power, and sexuality. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a number of female artists emerging as prominent figures in the scene. These artists often incorporate elements of pop and R&B into their music, creating a unique sound that blends traditional hip-hop with more contemporary styles. The lyrics of trap queen songs often celebrate female empowerment and independence, with a focus on self-confidence and self-expression. Overall, trap queen is a dynamic and evolving genre that continues to push the boundaries of hip-hop music.

Most popular trap queen artists

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Parent Genre: R&B

Related genres

Instruments used

Synthesizer, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Drum Machine, Sampler, Turntables, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Horn Section

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Trap Queen genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1648
2024 229
2023 403
2022 340
2021 336
2020 340
2010s 1027
2019 308
2018 278
2017 188
2016 79
2015 67
2014 54
2013 22
2012 21
2011 7
2010 3
2000s 30
2009 1
2008 4
2007 3
2006 4
2005 6
2003 2
2002 6
2000 4
1990s 3
1997 1
1996 2
2708 releases

Popular trap queen Songs

Top New trap queen Songs of 2024

trap queen music by decade

Explore trap queen history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of trap queen artists

Here is a list of trap queen artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the trap queen genre. You can find out what trap queen genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 71 1073303
2 60 796272
3 58 629594
4 65 1770274
5 84 9792251
6 58 212463
7 65 1091621
8 70 5720430
9 37 152681
10 54 1119615
11 61 675913
12 80 1780468
13 64 1118806
14 76 1419611
15 67 1837280
16 73 837658
17 56 1473160
18 70 2349570
19 67 596443
20 45 270822
21 49 265323
22 46 110480
23 53 284142
24 60 1203097
25 67 510504
26 38 185574
27 64 2650942
28 41 134161
29 59 985769
30 40 85160
31 54 783658
32 44 135383
33 60 95716
34 55 261748
35 49 238357
36 55 3399769
37 57 219638
38 50 716748
39 49 95748
40 56 630017
41 50 207377
42 55 42049
43 53 64644
44 53 196838
45 50 1319811
46 52 265495
47 52 105544
48 51 64822
49 32 33429
50 35 113993
51 47 704187
52 34 113066
53 49 185880
54 49 166987
55 48 76556
56 48 259135
57 48 220347
58 47 112564
59 44 160709
60 33 21488
61 45 98890
62 44 192697
63 46 219687
64 43 780238
65 42 100312
66 44 269975
67 42 460883
68 42 34963
69 34 24645
70 33 10148
71 41 66122
72 41 423581
73 39 70314
74 39 72528
75 40 187616
76 40 331892
77 40 145924
78 40 135726
79 38 22335
80 38 36970
81 38 126521
82 36 68701
83 35 89358
84 38 57819
85 37 21339
86 36 44804
87 35 251895
88 34 550017
89 35 152628
90 35 181668
91 35 145650
92 35 15182
93 34 22327
94 34 62651
95 34 61351
96 32 55734
97 33 38732
98 33 142926
99 32 261391
100 31 9980

trap queen playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular trap queen music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.