
Genre tropical house

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Tropical house music is a subgenre of electronic dance music that incorporates elements of tropical and Caribbean sounds, such as steel drums and marimbas, with deep house beats and synths. It often features laid-back, summery vibes and catchy melodies. The genre gained popularity in the mid-2010s and has been associated with beach parties and tropical destinations. (AI Generated)

Most popular tropical house artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Tropical House genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 5095
2025 24
2024 773
2023 1300
2022 1103
2021 995
2020 900
2010s 1973
2019 528
2018 390
2017 299
2016 267
2015 255
2014 140
2013 56
2012 23
2011 9
2010 6
2000s 5
2009 1
2007 2
2005 1
2003 1
1990s 3
1999 1
1998 1
1991 1
1970s 1
1978 1
7077 releases

tropical house playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular tropical house music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular tropical house Songs

Top New tropical house Songs of 2024

tropical house music by decade

Explore tropical house history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of tropical house artists

Here is a list of tropical house artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the tropical house genre. You can find out what tropical house genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 12660
2 51 1688
3 65 32687
4 57 240843
5 62 45290
6 59 59147
7 58 2547
8 58 8924
9 59 35134
10 57 17324
11 57 8848
12 57 8019
13 79 8564658
14 56 1181
15 56 2968
16 55 13700
17 77 3180214
18 55 18089
19 56 92897
20 53 6347
21 77 2991677
22 54 17501
23 54 3313
24 55 87732
25 54 13879
26 53 4186
27 53 1045
28 52 4033
29 53 3697
30 51 1272
31 51 2119
32 52 8648
33 52 80742
34 51 1114
35 52 1098
36 52 7154
37 51 28563
38 73 1297485
39 72 3817376
40 51 2054
41 50 16259
42 51 3865
43 50 13391
44 50 6324
45 50 2041
46 49 205
47 63 59321
48 52 11167
49 66 790675
50 65 457974
51 58 503547
52 58 112153
53 64 155291
54 55 234701
55 53 43772
56 60 20394
57 61 128881
58 60 1424300
59 51 108090
60 60 711746
61 59 114355
62 59 29666
63 57 15431
64 58 7396
65 51 6598
66 49 21307
67 56 2200
68 56 2150
69 56 24149
70 55 69298
71 52 233793
72 55 3126
73 49 13824
74 54 186444
75 53 17182
76 54 1750
77 54 2052
78 54 1650
79 53 143972
80 53 1423
81 52 213664
82 52 1878
83 52 3159
84 52 63561
85 52 4414
86 51 17783
87 51 817
88 51 19737
89 49 19403
90 51 25316
91 51 2696
92 51 8616
93 49 6387
94 50 140461
95 50 6692
96 50 15173
97 50 657
98 50 86541
99 49 9763
100 49 324