
Genre: turkce kadin rap

Play genre

Turkce kadin rap is a genre of music that features female rappers from Turkey. The music often addresses social issues and personal experiences, with lyrics that are powerful and empowering. The beats are typically upbeat and energetic, with a mix of traditional Turkish music and modern hip-hop influences. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a growing number of talented female rappers emerging on the scene.

Most popular turkce kadin rap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Turkce Kadin Rap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 264
2024 33
2023 66
2022 57
2021 61
2020 47
2010s 34
2019 18
2018 7
2017 2
2016 3
2015 1
2013 1
2012 2
2000s 10
2008 6
2006 1
2005 1
2001 1
2000 1
308 releases

Popular turkce kadin rap Songs

Top New turkce kadin rap Songs of 2024

turkce kadin rap music by decade

Explore turkce kadin rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of turkce kadin rap artists

Here is a list of turkce kadin rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the turkce kadin rap genre. You can find out what turkce kadin rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 440509
2 64 618643
3 47 408950
4 42 245435
5 35 32139
6 42 2296
7 32 144979
8 34 4365
9 29 9935
10 33 121169
11 31 3709
12 31 5102
13 31 2610
14 30 31156
15 22 8779
16 24 3660
17 24 1755
18 23 3625
19 22 4777
20 20 4532
21 20 1657
22 19 1805
23 18 3562
24 17 2954
25 16 5754
26 16 559
27 15 1960
28 14 2323
29 12 4216
30 11 4012
31 10 296
32 10 1688
33 10 1662
34 10 4123
35 9 752
36 9 939
37 7 1249
38 7 1427
39 6 1271
40 6 3304
41 5 1883
42 5 775
43 5 885
44 4 288
45 4 598
46 3 807
47 3 159
48 3 912
49 3 31352
50 3 895
51 3 1135
52 3 765
53 2 908
54 2 1575
55 2 397
56 2 2181
57 2 1444
58 1 512
59 1 221
60 1 400
61 1 191
62 1 3829
63 1 92
64 1 801
65 1 387

turkce kadin rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular turkce kadin rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.