
Genre uk garage

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UK garage is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in the United Kingdom in the mid-1990s. It is characterized by its syncopated rhythms, chopped-up vocal samples, and use of drum machines and synthesizers. The genre has evolved over time, incorporating elements of hip-hop, R&B, and soul. It has been popularized by artists who have brought their own unique style to the genre, resulting in a diverse range of sounds and sub-genres. (AI Generated)

Most popular uk garage artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Uk Garage genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 4581
2025 29
2024 1025
2023 1320
2022 918
2021 702
2020 587
2010s 1294
2019 340
2018 240
2017 155
2016 121
2015 95
2014 76
2013 70
2012 71
2011 77
2010 49
2000s 318
2009 48
2008 41
2007 19
2006 20
2005 16
2004 30
2003 27
2002 38
2001 37
2000 42
1990s 191
1999 27
1998 40
1997 27
1996 30
1995 26
1994 14
1993 17
1992 5
1991 3
1990 2
1980s 5
1989 2
1987 1
1984 1
1982 1
6389 releases

uk garage playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular uk garage music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular uk garage Songs

Top New uk garage Songs of 2024

uk garage music by decade

Explore uk garage history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of uk garage artists

Here is a list of uk garage artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the uk garage genre. You can find out what uk garage genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 76 88121
2 40 14141
3 41 40557
4 46 68797
5 46 40089
6 48 17730
7 39 20588
8 63 160567
9 46 30807
10 43 10598
11 44 43323
12 45 39204
13 44 40598
14 46 66922
15 38 14479
16 43 16409
17 44 19886
18 50 9312
19 45 844
20 45 9178
21 45 1071
22 51 50877
23 45 16545
24 43 44889
25 42 13302
26 40 38479
27 39 3147
28 52 15825
29 44 33796
30 51 68105
31 40 21763
32 38 7858
33 55 202924
34 43 29106
35 39 95162
36 46 38416
37 40 14601
38 52 15894
39 38 8020
40 53 77349
41 53 13143
42 41 14399
43 40 7039
44 40 15776
45 41 10431
46 40 12599
47 39 68922
48 60 59452
49 45 58504
50 43 27792
51 41 13631
52 43 65180
53 42 25206
54 42 22332
55 44 10908
56 41 63973
57 41 3007
58 55 87011
59 54 163127
60 53 28235
61 58 7525
62 50 10840
63 49 13652
64 51 83994
65 42 575
66 56 284607
67 50 26735
68 55 524647
69 48 3367
70 44 39219
71 53 226992
72 43 12798
73 47 29758
74 51 128494
75 39 3476
76 51 34718
77 46 25296
78 40 72112
79 49 30909
80 49 633
81 44 10669
82 46 42002
83 47 47269
84 38 18916
85 47 35093
86 46 89384
87 46 14338
88 45 124751
89 44 11640
90 42 10623
91 40 4579
92 44 22782
93 44 2269
94 43 4643
95 42 21765
96 42 11510
97 41 15234
98 40 3893
99 39 5371
100 38 4994