
Genre: ukg revival

Play genre

Parent Genre: Electronic

UKG revival is a subgenre of garage music that emerged in the UK in the early 2010s. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, soulful vocals, and heavy basslines. The genre has seen a resurgence in recent years, with artists incorporating elements of grime, hip-hop, and R&B into their sound. UKG revival has become a popular choice for club nights and festivals, with its infectious beats and catchy hooks drawing in crowds of all ages.

Most popular ukg revival artists

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Popular ukg revival Songs

Top New ukg revival Songs of 2024

ukg revival music by decade

Explore ukg revival history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ukg revival artists

Here is a list of ukg revival artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ukg revival genre. You can find out what ukg revival genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 67 1289165
2 36 27924
3 41 33797
4 39 37913
5 50 47976
6 49 59275
7 48 20736
8 45 8935
9 43 7391
10 41 12496
11 29 8043
12 40 11362
13 35 15782
14 38 7126
15 36 9970
16 25 12330
17 30 3079
18 34 4436
19 32 9158
20 32 1764
21 19 2976
22 28 8640
23 30 2374
24 28 5074
25 28 5670
26 28 6218
27 26 11154
28 25 2453
29 25 7105
30 17 1713
31 24 1666
32 24 3409
33 24 11123
34 23 5777
35 22 2723
36 22 5595
37 21 1545
38 20 2717
39 20 333
40 20 1287
41 20 4051
42 14 1272
43 19 1058
44 18 1915
45 18 1920
46 18 624
47 14 1467
48 15 1069
49 15 651
50 14 4189
51 14 1676
52 14 689
53 12 1931
54 12 701
55 12 2593
56 12 467
57 11 688
58 11 768
59 11 718
60 10 611
61 10 558
62 10 1395
63 10 4161
64 10 1153
65 9 773
66 9 365
67 3 296
68 8 463
69 8 215
70 8 1157
71 8 305
72 8 769
73 6 330
74 7 287
75 7 856
76 5 281
77 4 529
78 4 259
79 3 212
80 3 1125
81 3 201
82 3 446
83 2 122
84 2 160
85 2 244
86 1 163
87 1 170
88 1 310
89 1 157

ukg revival playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ukg revival music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.