
Genre: underground boom bap

Play genre

Underground boom bap is a subgenre of hip hop that emphasizes raw, gritty production and lyricism. It often features heavy drum breaks, samples from classic soul and jazz records, and socially conscious themes. This style of hip hop is characterized by its DIY ethos and rejection of mainstream commercialization. Artists in this genre often prioritize authenticity and substance over flashy production and commercial appeal.

Most popular underground boom bap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Underground Boom Bap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 91
2024 6
2023 34
2022 22
2021 21
2020 8
2010s 19
2019 6
2018 2
2017 2
2016 1
2015 4
2014 1
2013 1
2012 1
2010 1
2000s 1
2003 1
111 releases

Popular underground boom bap Songs

Top New underground boom bap Songs of 2024

underground boom bap music by decade

Explore underground boom bap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of underground boom bap artists

Here is a list of underground boom bap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the underground boom bap genre. You can find out what underground boom bap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 35 5108
2 44 15381
3 25 2651
4 25 2326
5 24 3996
6 34 10412
7 22 1444
8 22 3633
9 33 4739
10 20 3066
11 20 3278
12 19 1793
13 31 11982
14 18 2541
15 28 22375
16 27 1994
17 27 2176
18 25 328
19 24 1492
20 24 1791
21 10 1697
22 21 3621
23 22 16463
24 22 4934
25 22 2406
26 21 4377
27 19 3461
28 19 2695
29 17 1328
30 17 1482
31 17 12046
32 17 1064
33 16 9160
34 16 481
35 16 1774
36 16 2503
37 15 4187
38 15 1208
39 14 2183
40 14 4198
41 14 838
42 14 1051
43 13 1995
44 13 489
45 13 781
46 1 515
47 13 2684
48 12 1355
49 10 4054
50 9 657
51 8 1273
52 9 806
53 9 496
54 9 293
55 9 589
56 8 812
57 8 1188
58 8 404
59 8 718
60 8 823
61 7 483
62 7 344
63 7 277
64 6 1828
65 6 840
66 6 878
67 6 526
68 6 463
69 5 491
70 5 770
71 5 221
72 5 1282
73 4 609
74 4 170
75 4 3748
76 4 979
77 4 506
78 4 639
79 4 436
80 3 702
81 3 538
82 3 265
83 3 344
84 2 224
85 2 806
86 2 182
87 2 609
88 2 536
89 2 116
90 2 615
91 2 127
92 2 323
93 1 456
94 1 687
95 1 113
96 1 139
97 1 427
98 1 805
99 1 135
100 1 221

underground boom bap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular underground boom bap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.