
Genre: underground visual kei

Play genre

Underground visual kei music is a subgenre of Japanese rock music that incorporates elements of visual kei fashion and aesthetics. It is characterized by its theatrical and flamboyant performances, elaborate costumes, and dramatic makeup. The music often features a blend of rock, metal, and punk influences, with lyrics that explore themes of rebellion, individuality, and self-expression. Artists in this genre typically have a strong DIY ethos and cultivate a dedicated fanbase through intimate live performances and grassroots promotion.

Most popular underground visual kei artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Underground Visual Kei genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 328
2024 28
2023 120
2022 73
2021 59
2020 48
2010s 89
2019 27
2018 17
2017 17
2016 12
2015 6
2014 3
2013 3
2012 3
2011 1
2000s 2
2007 1
2000 1
419 releases

Popular underground visual kei Songs

Top New underground visual kei Songs of 2024

underground visual kei music by decade

Explore underground visual kei history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of underground visual kei artists

Here is a list of underground visual kei artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the underground visual kei genre. You can find out what underground visual kei genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 27 12787
2 24 5332
3 23 7507
4 23 4819
5 23 5594
6 22 10757
7 20 5995
8 19 4172
9 18 3426
10 18 2488
11 17 2958
12 17 4506
13 16 2394
14 16 3255
15 15 4929
16 15 2694
17 14 5520
18 14 3711
19 14 2213
20 14 3027
21 12 2773
22 12 3975
23 12 1609
24 11 2765
25 11 3780
26 11 1628
27 11 2840
28 11 3262
29 11 3848
30 10 2098
31 10 1944
32 10 2526
33 9 1947
34 9 860
35 9 2466
36 8 2692
37 8 1956
38 8 1956
39 8 1339
40 7 2572
41 7 1008
42 7 1848
43 7 1643
44 7 1160
45 7 1252
46 7 1687
47 6 1664
48 25 4226
49 23 8014
50 21 3164
51 21 3107
52 17 4163
53 16 3235
54 16 1878
55 15 2633
56 15 1137
57 14 1661
58 14 2762
59 13 1230
60 12 1756
61 12 1792
62 11 858
63 9 978
64 11 1567
65 11 1314
66 10 1633
67 10 746
68 10 748
69 10 1403
70 10 1271
71 9 803
72 9 1523
73 9 1464
74 9 3373
75 9 524
76 9 1759
77 9 1118
78 9 2206
79 9 660
80 9 575
81 8 565
82 8 1081
83 8 1399
84 8 1880
85 7 816
86 7 1980
87 7 1272
88 7 1562
89 7 2162
90 7 1405
91 7 821
92 7 1646
93 7 860
94 7 1408
95 7 480
96 7 442
97 7 372
98 6 782
99 6 1352
100 6 338

underground visual kei playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular underground visual kei music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.