
Genre: vallenato moderno

Play genre

Vallenato moderno is a popular music genre that originated in Colombia and combines traditional vallenato music with modern elements such as pop, rock, and electronic music. It features accordion, caja vallenata (a type of drum), and guacharaca (a percussion instrument), and often includes lyrics about love, heartbreak, and rural life. The genre has gained popularity in recent years with its energetic rhythms and catchy melodies.

Most popular vallenato moderno artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Vallenato Moderno genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 206
2024 30
2023 47
2022 48
2021 48
2020 33
2010s 208
2019 48
2018 38
2017 26
2016 23
2015 18
2014 15
2013 19
2012 6
2011 8
2010 7
2000s 65
2009 6
2008 9
2007 8
2006 9
2005 5
2004 2
2003 4
2002 2
2001 8
2000 12
1990s 31
1999 1
1998 7
1997 8
1996 3
1995 2
1994 3
1993 1
1992 3
1991 2
1990 1
1980s 6
1989 1
1988 1
1985 1
1983 1
1982 1
1981 1
1970s 6
1979 2
1975 1
1974 1
1973 1
1972 1
522 releases

Popular vallenato moderno Songs

Top New vallenato moderno Songs of 2024

vallenato moderno music by decade

Explore vallenato moderno history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of vallenato moderno artists

Here is a list of vallenato moderno artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the vallenato moderno genre. You can find out what vallenato moderno genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 5051585
2 62 1990831
3 58 1586262
4 60 75129
5 57 265733
6 56 248298
7 56 732088
8 52 425927
9 51 933967
10 48 124293
11 48 248118
12 48 222893
13 48 471490
14 46 8813
15 43 207740
16 42 389922
17 36 236153
18 35 11727
19 34 190002
20 33 198034
21 55 46824
22 29 7125
23 29 115486
24 53 5866
25 50 259831
26 28 26150
27 49 73180
28 52 7015
29 48 51998
30 51 9103
31 26 65074
32 50 389542
33 48 463837
34 25 19958
35 49 29101
36 48 58805
37 48 72067
38 46 16967
39 47 10108
40 47 39147
41 47 3002
42 47 17276
43 46 1589
44 46 6913
45 46 21301
46 45 2201
47 45 15610
48 45 6370
49 40 50148
50 44 5253
51 44 72195
52 44 74398
53 43 2908
54 42 13856
55 40 104951
56 41 8573
57 41 79880
58 40 5920
59 39 3135
60 39 6169
61 36 41176
62 37 20990
63 37 2933
64 35 51498
65 33 42812
66 36 8648
67 36 4144
68 35 794
69 34 867
70 34 1086
71 34 12149
72 33 115344
73 33 2038
74 33 3267
75 33 9932
76 32 60228
77 31 8058
78 31 3002
79 31 17340
80 31 3309
81 31 3386
82 31 908
83 31 21535
84 30 10248
85 30 571
86 30 7747
87 30 36846
88 30 4711
89 29 10677
90 28 7510
91 28 11474
92 27 4715
93 27 1272
94 27 17922
95 26 1571
96 26 1634
97 26 3834
98 25 594
99 25 867
100 25 2753

vallenato moderno playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular vallenato moderno music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.