
Genre: vietnamese melodic rap

Play genre

Vietnamese melodic rap is a genre that combines traditional Vietnamese music with modern rap beats and lyrics. It often features smooth and catchy melodies, with lyrics that touch on themes such as love, relationships, and social issues. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a number of talented artists emerging on the scene.

Most popular vietnamese melodic rap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Vietnamese Melodic Rap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 385
2024 28
2023 88
2022 107
2021 105
2020 57
2010s 80
2019 27
2018 22
2017 6
2016 9
2015 2
2014 6
2013 5
2012 1
2011 1
2010 1
2000s 1
2008 1
466 releases

Popular vietnamese melodic rap Songs

Top New vietnamese melodic rap Songs of 2024

vietnamese melodic rap music by decade

Explore vietnamese melodic rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of vietnamese melodic rap artists

Here is a list of vietnamese melodic rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the vietnamese melodic rap genre. You can find out what vietnamese melodic rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 64 1066461
2 67 1125113
3 62 317842
4 61 722539
5 59 525610
6 58 993669
7 58 337908
8 56 667463
9 56 1688899
10 52 174784
11 44 523721
12 43 45461
13 44 89816
14 52 93470
15 49 89316
16 49 140331
17 49 156327
18 43 15860
19 47 53702
20 46 46959
21 45 27412
22 45 8148
23 33 14185
24 44 160526
25 42 12047
26 64 5847797
27 42 23236
28 40 136069
29 37 192199
30 35 11188
31 52 245307
32 32 24247
33 30 5073
34 28 27733
35 25 1281
36 47 146131
37 22 3643
38 44 298799
39 18 4124
40 42 18513
41 42 56203
42 51 132830
43 35 25128
44 44 29822
45 8 1017
46 42 23544
47 41 77492
48 39 2612
49 39 105248
50 36 923
51 34 4606
52 33 18371
53 33 4650
54 32 7968
55 32 1242
56 20 7366
57 25 11766
58 28 364
59 22 3710
60 17 4209
61 26 3893
62 22 1835
63 22 2018
64 19 1204
65 18 3793
66 19 863
67 16 2406
68 16 3785
69 16 865
70 15 453
71 14 755
72 14 954
73 14 1985
74 8 578
75 8 34423
76 8 1333
77 7 545
78 7 1593
79 6 631
80 6 134
81 5 83
82 5 747
83 5 35
84 4 558
85 3 484
86 3 1517
87 3 79
88 2 362
89 1 81
90 1 36
91 1 182
92 1 448

vietnamese melodic rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular vietnamese melodic rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.