
Genre: viking metal

Play genre

Parent Genre: metal

Viking metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that incorporates elements of Nordic mythology and folklore. The music often features aggressive guitar riffs, thundering drums, and epic vocals that tell tales of battles, gods, and legendary heroes. The lyrics are typically sung in English or Scandinavian languages and are heavily influenced by Viking culture. The genre has gained popularity in recent years with bands blending traditional folk instruments like the accordion and fiddle with heavy metal instrumentation.

Most popular viking metal artists

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Related instruments

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer

Popular viking metal Songs

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viking metal music by decade

Explore viking metal history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of viking metal artists

Here is a list of viking metal artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the viking metal genre. You can find out what viking metal genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 30 69596
2 45 308698
3 30 90862
4 48 311780
5 43 201039
6 41 210761
7 32 87984
8 54 403078
9 49 178902
10 39 96490
11 35 100139
12 46 215450
13 44 197312
14 32 71044
15 22 34593
16 18 14150
17 33 46849
18 26 21088
19 23 17481
20 51 503418
21 33 47227
22 24 34605
23 22 16005
24 35 76417
25 33 40303
26 28 16792
27 12 12060
28 30 32730
29 23 34045
30 26 15018
31 21 7269
32 24 43915
33 38 112709
34 23 7266
35 30 75689
36 31 44317
37 24 16199
38 19 15139
39 19 11725
40 31 42675
41 41 72034
42 25 36775
43 10 8020
44 28 32749
45 31 45476
46 14 11817
47 19 10761
48 20 22257
49 24 21009
50 31 29125
51 26 32299
52 19 18857
53 21 15828
54 22 30714
55 33 62225
56 21 20238
57 18 11137
58 22 13847
59 19 23043
60 38 31189
61 14 9287
62 14 13573
63 12 14486
64 36 117622
65 12 8141
66 11 7314
67 11 3363
68 11 9444
69 60 1102727
70 27 27843
71 29 25651
72 26 25422
73 39 156089
74 8 3117
75 10 7937
76 24 22346
77 46 380208
78 16 13277
79 27 50747
80 24 17870
81 12 13357
82 50 358858
83 19 22427
84 16 5224
85 17 13891
86 13 6441
87 47 236921
88 14 6676
89 14 7710
90 13 10932
91 11 8051
92 30 33075
93 37 125096
94 14 18124
95 22 31447
96 28 23359
97 31 33530
98 20 20114
99 8 6857
100 11 3127

viking metal playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular viking metal music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.