
Genre: villancicos

Play genre

Villancicos is a traditional Spanish music genre that originated in the Middle Ages and is typically associated with Christmas celebrations. The music features lively rhythms and catchy melodies, often accompanied by guitars, tambourines, and other percussion instruments. Raya Real, Parchis, and Música Navideña are all examples of contemporary artists who have incorporated the villancicos style into their music.

Most popular villancicos artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Villancicos genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 46
2023 20
2022 11
2021 10
2020 5
2010s 117
2019 5
2018 13
2017 17
2016 12
2015 9
2014 11
2013 17
2012 12
2011 12
2010 9
2000s 44
2009 3
2008 4
2007 6
2006 3
2005 4
2004 7
2003 4
2002 3
2001 7
2000 3
1990s 30
1999 4
1998 4
1997 3
1995 9
1994 2
1993 3
1992 2
1990 3
1980s 5
1989 1
1988 1
1984 1
1982 1
1981 1
1970s 8
1976 1
1974 1
1972 2
1971 2
1970 2
1960s 3
1967 1
1966 1
1962 1
253 releases

Popular villancicos Songs

villancicos music by decade

Explore villancicos history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of villancicos artists

Here is a list of villancicos artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the villancicos genre. You can find out what villancicos genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 31 16872
2 30 17432
3 30 3483
4 29 16090
5 23 3772
6 27 8131
7 25 65065
8 25 1919
9 24 1647
10 24 1921
11 21 5100
12 22 5414
13 22 2757
14 21 450
15 21 1324
16 20 2712
17 19 966
18 19 7540
19 18 4745
20 17 377
21 17 3214
22 16 2077
23 16 1538
24 16 1764
25 16 5805
26 15 1258
27 15 1033
28 15 2428
29 15 1454
30 14 2096
31 14 12420
32 14 784
33 13 426
34 13 1076
35 13 196
36 10 1301
37 12 1323
38 12 27319
39 11 756
40 11 1120
41 11 3937
42 10 2252
43 10 604
44 9 2107
45 8 3136
46 9 1040
47 9 1596
48 9 44
49 9 3286
50 9 612
51 9 2714
52 9 3319
53 9 10864
54 9 820
55 9 5186
56 8 3304
57 8 2842
58 8 4543
59 8 252
60 8 5671
61 8 437
62 8 4223
63 7 3237
64 2 1675
65 7 864
66 6 1007
67 6 112
68 6 9668
69 5 1051
70 5 168
71 5 1434
72 5 124
73 5 1934
74 5 1011
75 5 4814
76 4 113
77 4 859
78 4 826
79 4 679
80 3 2918
81 3 242
82 3 980
83 3 1168
84 3 206
85 3 2652
86 3 298
87 3 1038
88 2 1184
89 2 988
90 2 354
91 2 310
92 2 286
93 2 262
94 2 933
95 2 348
96 2 395
97 2 3692
98 2 58
99 2 248
100 1 289

villancicos playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular villancicos music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.