
Genre: visual kei

Play genre

Visual kei is a Japanese music genre that emphasizes on the visual appearance of the performers, with flamboyant costumes, makeup, and hairstyles. The music is a fusion of rock, pop, and metal, with lyrics that often explore themes of love, loss, and personal struggles. The genre gained popularity in the 1980s and has since evolved to include various sub-genres. It is characterized by its theatrical performances, elaborate stage setups, and energetic live shows.

Most popular visual kei artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Visual Kei genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 799
2024 79
2023 229
2022 193
2021 135
2020 163
2010s 1023
2019 156
2018 126
2017 126
2016 94
2015 85
2014 89
2013 100
2012 95
2011 77
2010 75
2000s 413
2009 74
2008 81
2007 60
2006 46
2005 42
2004 26
2003 24
2002 18
2001 16
2000 26
1990s 110
1999 22
1998 22
1997 15
1996 19
1995 11
1994 8
1993 3
1992 2
1991 4
1990 4
1980s 8
1989 3
1988 3
1987 2
2353 releases

Popular visual kei Songs

Top New visual kei Songs of 2024

visual kei music by decade

Explore visual kei history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of visual kei artists

Here is a list of visual kei artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the visual kei genre. You can find out what visual kei genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 107988
2 40 118673
3 73 4142144
4 51 146731
5 50 369144
6 48 272853
7 40 116154
8 55 291382
9 29 47669
10 38 70862
11 58 896130
12 39 47129
13 59 279849
14 31 28523
15 29 21634
16 34 97051
17 34 52824
18 51 629362
19 54 251488
20 44 135262
21 31 16056
22 28 49252
23 28 19168
24 30 13970
25 29 52913
26 54 306895
27 40 46955
28 28 13531
29 24 15023
30 27 17329
31 26 16283
32 26 16625
33 48 142254
34 25 7877
35 23 18742
36 48 240429
37 45 262029
38 47 126882
39 34 15210
40 46 247180
41 46 205973
42 32 44438
43 32 37418
44 31 32964
45 38 49799
46 44 264742
47 39 48826
48 43 45257
49 40 42997
50 40 46587
51 27 11117
52 38 61211
53 40 75842
54 39 45281
55 38 44358
56 38 161912
57 24 26163
58 37 68573
59 37 35702
60 24 11656
61 36 22859
62 22 4328
63 35 18506
64 34 37283
65 34 27997
66 34 25465
67 32 13432
68 27 12787
69 32 23767
70 31 24053
71 31 19096
72 31 12704
73 31 31438
74 30 47363
75 30 21244
76 24 5332
77 29 17168
78 29 14310
79 29 18529
80 28 21615
81 28 11148
82 23 7507
83 23 4810
84 23 5594
85 28 32218
86 27 17833
87 26 10769
88 26 14342
89 25 13036
90 25 17913
91 25 13858
92 25 10692
93 25 10080
94 25 21290
95 25 12718
96 24 8126
97 24 10529
98 24 11733
99 24 10200
100 22 10160

visual kei playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular visual kei music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.