
Genre west coast hip hop

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West Coast hip hop music emerged in the late 20th century, characterized by its laid-back, smooth beats often infused with funk influences. This genre emphasizes rhythmic storytelling and a distinctive sound that celebrates the culture and lifestyle of California's West Coast. Known for its innovation in production techniques, it often incorporates synthesizers and deep bass lines, creating a vibrant and chill vibe. The lyrical content frequently addresses themes of street life, resilience, and social issues, offering a vivid glimpse into the experiences of urban life on the West Coast. (AI Generated)

Most popular west coast hip hop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of West Coast Hip Hop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1417
2025 5
2024 233
2023 440
2022 302
2021 251
2020 186
2010s 841
2019 135
2018 115
2017 91
2016 98
2015 60
2014 81
2013 76
2012 70
2011 54
2010 61
2000s 615
2009 57
2008 68
2007 64
2006 71
2005 69
2004 64
2003 50
2002 61
2001 55
2000 56
1990s 470
1999 40
1998 43
1997 47
1996 65
1995 80
1994 59
1993 54
1992 30
1991 30
1990 22
1980s 22
1989 9
1988 8
1987 2
1986 1
1985 2
3365 releases

west coast hip hop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular west coast hip hop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular west coast hip hop Songs

Top New west coast hip hop Songs of 2024

west coast hip hop music by decade

Explore west coast hip hop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of west coast hip hop artists

Here is a list of west coast hip hop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the west coast hip hop genre. You can find out what west coast hip hop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 82 14043761
2 80 13633170
3 79 20640642
4 62 1615889
5 65 6267767
6 65 2160277
7 75 1769475
8 74 9977496
9 65 6603244
10 43 187100
11 62 2566106
12 61 749098
13 61 376113
14 56 1581690
15 56 3194571
16 55 747817
17 54 477701
18 52 705950
19 52 900586
20 52 37770
21 41 92023
22 66 955072
23 47 1124719
24 47 412266
25 46 612690
26 46 299216
27 45 292805
28 46 412269
29 45 368320
30 45 13359
31 44 488633
32 42 182248
33 41 77842
34 41 435067
35 40 53363
36 52 159288
37 50 413454
38 50 208438
39 49 168224
40 69 1499733
41 47 119269
42 61 72426
43 40 12076
44 70 5010558
45 58 24148
46 58 407490
47 48 265357
48 54 23036
49 53 171176
50 52 6067
51 51 57546
52 40 78095
53 47 1717
54 96 37990281
55 46 54244
56 46 19179
57 45 1017
58 45 42752
59 45 2730
60 65 335121
61 44 153330
62 42 31083
63 53 450774
64 47 1460771
65 66 2210987
66 56 273081
67 49 244584
68 49 220630
69 57 802190
70 66 18316
71 45 166416
72 65 3521675
73 44 148514
74 44 72224
75 44 176242
76 43 111040
77 48 228537
78 41 171265
79 40 43739
80 40 14771
81 60 412261
82 60 9610
83 59 13506
84 51 315213
85 55 131108
86 54 568119
87 51 53259
88 50 80149
89 50 39432
90 49 8704
91 49 123659
92 45 162352
93 46 17844
94 40 221321
95 45 83817
96 44 39132
97 43 73443
98 42 6223
99 40 3743
100 40 9315