
Genre: west coast trap

Play genre

West coast trap music is a subgenre of hip-hop that originated on the West Coast of the United States. It is characterized by heavy bass, fast-paced beats, and lyrics that often focus on street life and gang culture. The genre incorporates elements of trap music, which originated in the Southern United States, but has a distinct West Coast sound. It often features high-pitched, melodic hooks and a more laid-back vibe than traditional trap music. West coast trap music has gained popularity in recent years, with artists like B-Legit, Iamsu!, and G Perico helping to popularize the genre.

Most popular west coast trap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of West Coast Trap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 245
2024 52
2023 75
2022 41
2021 46
2020 31
2010s 170
2019 26
2018 29
2017 28
2016 25
2015 16
2014 17
2013 14
2012 12
2010 3
2000s 5
2009 2
2008 3
420 releases

Popular west coast trap Songs

Top New west coast trap Songs of 2024

west coast trap music by decade

Explore west coast trap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of west coast trap artists

Here is a list of west coast trap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the west coast trap genre. You can find out what west coast trap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 164718
2 47 100576
3 42 34612
4 52 25591
5 29 14367
6 34 24400
7 42 71542
8 36 41768
9 36 48535
10 45 13299
11 40 58659
12 35 34592
13 43 29065
14 43 5617
15 31 3625
16 30 4410
17 29 4776
18 41 9509
19 40 44608
20 40 36632
21 38 35942
22 38 35535
23 37 5782
24 36 37096
25 26 32183
26 26 23718
27 36 20765
28 36 31510
29 36 4943
30 35 4382
31 23 4598
32 30 5480
33 22 5782
34 21 10078
35 32 22184
36 32 13485
37 30 2052
38 31 9026
39 31 1345
40 30 7815
41 29 9057
42 18 3548
43 18 1274
44 24 9588
45 17 6430
46 26 18795
47 24 13776
48 24 2477
49 13 8151
50 20 2491
51 16 12022
52 19 1093
53 19 4274
54 18 219
55 19 1362
56 18 996
57 18 3028
58 18 4756
59 18 2826
60 16 2218
61 16 295
62 16 1442
63 16 2553
64 15 7875
65 15 736
66 15 1866
67 15 3730
68 15 3624
69 15 1317
70 14 1294
71 14 1290
72 11 472
73 11 508
74 11 263
75 11 2075
76 11 669
77 9 1939
78 7 247
79 7 654
80 7 46
81 7 1158
82 6 390
83 6 3760
84 5 635
85 5 386
86 5 752
87 4 1064
88 4 1010
89 3 360
90 3 628
91 2 697
92 1 234
93 1 1206
94 1 932

west coast trap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular west coast trap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.