
Genre: western americana

Play genre

Western Americana is a genre that blends traditional folk and bluegrass with a modern twist. It often features acoustic instruments such as banjos, fiddles, and guitars, and incorporates themes of love, loss, and the American West. The music is characterized by its upbeat tempo and catchy melodies, and often includes harmonies and vocal harmonizations. The lyrics often tell stories of life on the road, the struggles of the working class, and the beauty of the natural world.

Most popular western americana artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Western Americana genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 207
2024 36
2023 62
2022 35
2021 30
2020 44
2010s 169
2019 33
2018 33
2017 23
2016 26
2015 9
2014 7
2013 9
2012 12
2011 7
2010 10
2000s 31
2009 11
2008 2
2007 5
2006 3
2005 2
2004 2
2003 3
2002 2
2001 1
1990s 8
1998 2
1997 1
1996 1
1995 1
1993 1
1992 2
415 releases

Popular western americana Songs

Top New western americana Songs of 2024

western americana music by decade

Explore western americana history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of western americana artists

Here is a list of western americana artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the western americana genre. You can find out what western americana genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 56 343380
2 48 66581
3 44 57916
4 40 50419
5 38 55245
6 39 18016
7 42 18601
8 33 15768
9 35 21847
10 38 16657
11 34 17027
12 29 21773
13 30 14531
14 34 8230
15 34 28081
16 32 10105
17 28 13123
18 24 6610
19 30 6936
20 20 8789
21 28 16857
22 24 7861
23 24 7281
24 22 3622
25 28 3458
26 26 4915
27 25 7171
28 25 3410
29 24 12361
30 24 6514
31 23 7745
32 23 2796
33 23 4528
34 23 3244
35 21 1429
36 19 1683
37 19 4024
38 18 2669
39 18 3894
40 16 3023
41 16 3107
42 16 1632
43 16 2208
44 15 4931
45 15 2733
46 15 2691
47 15 1212
48 13 3803
49 11 2878
50 14 4817
51 14 2424
52 8 2274
53 12 2253
54 11 2411
55 11 3330
56 7 6448
57 10 2223
58 10 799
59 10 406
60 9 1999
61 9 3617
62 3 1167
63 9 1025
64 8 738
65 7 1074
66 7 291
67 7 611
68 7 840
69 6 1493
70 6 2015
71 6 955
72 6 2064
73 6 927
74 6 2975
75 5 1115
76 5 4890
77 4 772
78 3 1710
79 3 631
80 3 163
81 3 1123
82 3 546
83 3 1515
84 2 840
85 2 600
86 2 150
87 2 418
88 1 320
89 1 347
90 1 439
91 1 441
92 1 195
93 1 357
94 1 294

western americana playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular western americana music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.