
Genre: wind symphony

Play genre

Parent Genre: classical

Wind symphony is a genre of music that features a large ensemble of wind instruments, including flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and tubas. This type of music is typically performed by professional or collegiate-level musicians and often includes complex arrangements and challenging technical passages. The North Texas Wind Symphony, United States Air Force Band, and Dallas Wind Symphony are all well-known ensembles in this genre, known for their precision, artistry, and dynamic performances. Their repertoire includes a wide range of styles, from classical and contemporary to jazz and popular music.

Most popular wind symphony artists

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Popular wind symphony Songs

Most popular wind symphony albums

Overtures Vol. 2
To the Edge of Space
Ceremonial Music
American Wind Band Classics III
Twilight in the Wilderness
Live in Concert Recording #130
The Bridge On The River Kwai (Soundtrack)
Percy Grainger Plays Grainger
Stage & Screen (Live Concert, June 18, 2022)

wind symphony music by decade

Explore wind symphony history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of wind symphony artists

Here is a list of wind symphony artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the wind symphony genre. You can find out what wind symphony genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 31 6918
2 35 9863
3 29 4851
4 37 581
5 37 9367
6 31 4406
7 29 6350
8 33 1016
9 32 404
10 26 2473
11 31 6313
12 29 4822
13 27 482
14 19 3098
15 25 1352
16 23 994
17 23 4280
18 22 1752
19 22 418
20 21 93
21 21 531
22 21 875
23 20 1256
24 20 714
25 19 536
26 19 923
27 19 285
28 18 540
29 18 1793
30 18 435
31 17 159
32 17 1496
33 17 326
34 17 252
35 16 596
36 16 1047
37 16 566
38 16 272
39 15 364
40 15 286
41 15 331
42 14 1559
43 14 329
44 14 371
45 14 344
46 14 563
47 12 627
48 13 345
49 12 378
50 12 524
51 10 221
52 11 430
53 9 513
54 8 656
55 8 137
56 8 236
57 7 179
58 7 596
59 7 574
60 6 280
61 20 1264
62 18 2260
63 19 160
64 19 358
65 12 164
66 16 249
67 10 214
68 11 365
69 11 579
70 9 780
71 9 960
72 9 52
73 7 392
74 6 122
75 6 204
76 6 58
77 6 56
78 6 169
79 4 71
80 4 38
81 4 198
82 3 133
83 3 368
84 3 93
85 3 34
86 3 194
87 3 66
88 2 78
89 2 102
90 1 127
91 1 65
92 1 222
93 1 31
94 1 41
95 1 80

wind symphony playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular wind symphony music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.