
Genre: zilizopendwa

Play genre

Zilizopendwa is a popular music genre in East Africa that emerged in the 1960s and 70s. It is characterized by a fusion of African rhythms, jazz, and soul music. The genre's lyrics often address social and political issues, as well as love and relationships. Zilizopendwa's sound is upbeat and danceable, with prominent use of guitar, horns, and percussion. The genre has produced many influential artists who have contributed to its popularity across the continent.

Most popular zilizopendwa artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Zilizopendwa genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 28
2024 1
2023 5
2022 8
2021 7
2020 7
2010s 113
2019 7
2018 25
2017 2
2016 9
2015 17
2014 7
2013 1
2012 6
2011 7
2010 32
2000s 77
2009 5
2008 4
2007 11
2006 4
2005 8
2004 9
2003 7
2002 13
2001 11
2000 5
1990s 71
1999 7
1998 8
1997 4
1996 3
1995 4
1994 10
1993 6
1992 5
1991 18
1990 6
1980s 58
1989 8
1988 7
1987 4
1986 6
1985 7
1984 6
1983 4
1982 5
1981 2
1980 9
1970s 14
1978 2
1976 2
1975 1
1974 4
1971 1
1970 4
1960s 5
1968 1
1967 1
1966 1
1961 2
1950s 1
1957 1
367 releases

Popular zilizopendwa Songs

zilizopendwa music by decade

Explore zilizopendwa history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of zilizopendwa artists

Here is a list of zilizopendwa artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the zilizopendwa genre. You can find out what zilizopendwa genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 484678
2 43 148191
3 42 112690
4 33 46027
5 35 45922
6 37 24735
7 36 31085
8 36 73057
9 48 267410
10 21 22269
11 34 28605
12 20 9783
13 31 41837
14 31 8848
15 28 32103
16 15 733
17 26 20792
18 20 5861
19 23 21591
20 15 1654
21 18 10172
22 19 15448
23 28 20817
24 30 4766
25 11 1011
26 15 3326
27 6 2550
28 26 4021
29 11 5118
30 10 3161
31 22 12829
32 9 608
33 21 1456
34 21 5868
35 21 528
36 18 5952
37 20 4376
38 6 633
39 6 1285
40 4 224
41 16 1996
42 14 4013
43 12 2271
44 14 2232
45 14 2778
46 13 4837
47 13 732
48 11 2696
49 7 101
50 6 1399
51 6 559
52 8 535
53 7 1140
54 7 845
55 7 2300
56 6 3670
57 3 1141
58 6 729
59 5 3615
60 5 2427
61 5 1713
62 5 168
63 3 306
64 4 445
65 4 1504
66 3 746
67 3 44
68 3 94
69 2 48
70 2 35
71 2 1821
72 1 58
73 1 59
74 1 137

zilizopendwa playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular zilizopendwa music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.