
Genre: zxc

Play genre

Zxc music is a genre that blends elements of electronic, hip-hop, and trap music. It is characterized by its heavy basslines, distorted synths, and aggressive beats. The lyrics often touch on themes of rebellion, self-expression, and individuality. The genre is known for its use of autotune and vocal manipulation, creating a unique sound that is both futuristic and raw. Artists in this genre often have a strong online presence and utilize social media to connect with their fans.

Most popular zxc artists

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Popular zxc Songs

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zxc music by decade

Explore zxc history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of zxc artists

Here is a list of zxc artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the zxc genre. You can find out what zxc genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 70 37642
2 55 92383
3 56 184886
4 47 33960
5 40 6984
6 44 14821
7 43 24770
8 42 13150
9 42 31862
10 40 8562
11 38 5305
12 37 10497
13 37 4129
14 36 17182
15 34 3024
16 34 22466
17 33 6309
18 32 7263
19 32 4424
20 31 7100
21 30 7369
22 29 6857
23 29 5999
24 27 3535
25 27 3154
26 18 6863
27 26 5837
28 26 2214
29 26 2898
30 25 2495
31 24 1561
32 21 1268
33 23 5063
34 23 4175
35 23 3994
36 22 3110
37 22 2356
38 22 2561
39 21 1645
40 20 2656
41 13 375
42 18 1863
43 13 589
44 17 1530
45 17 666
46 16 1199
47 16 754
48 15 818
49 15 650
50 14 1434
51 14 1103
52 13 357
53 7 1431
54 12 1132
55 12 1296
56 12 511
57 11 181
58 10 393
59 7 13222
60 7 109
61 6 256
62 5 372
63 5 457
64 3 326
65 3 648
66 3 2006
67 2 176
68 2 95
69 1 54
70 1 687
71 1 322

zxc playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular zxc music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.