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Playlist Radio for Spotify

Generate a music radio based on a Spotify playlist

Playlist imagePlaylist Name Owner Name Tracks Count

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Playlist saved successfully to your Spotify account :)


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Spotify offers a radio feature based on a Song, Album or Artist you select, but not playlist (any more). Imagine you’re not really sure what to listen to specifically right now, but you have a favorite playlist. This tool here is to help you, it generates a radio based on your playlist, the radio here means a long shuffled playlist of unique songs, so it feels like a radio when you listen to it.

How to use it?

  • Enter a Spotify playlist URL and click generate, or login with your Spotify account and choose one of your public playlists.
  • Scroll down to see the result, preview and listen to the songs.
  • Save the playlist to your Spotify.

How it works?

It gets the first 50 tracks of the playlist and gets music recommendations based on them. Duplicates are removed and the result playlist is shuffled at the end.

Use cases

Generate radio based on your favorite playlist.
Add a few (or all) of your liked songs to a new playlist and then use it here to get a radio based on your liked songs.
The radio playlist is up to 300 songs (17 to 20 hours), it is long enough to fill your day with music! You can generate a new radio every day and enjoy discovering new music based on your taste while it plays in the background.