Artists like Cage The Elephant The Killers The Strokes Wallows MGMT BØRNS Declan McKenna Hozier Gorillaz Weezer Grouplove alt-J Twenty One Pilots Fitz and The Tantrums Rainbow Kitten Surprise Young the Giant Dr. Dog Two Door Cinema Club Tame Impala Foster The People Arctic Monkeys
Most popular similar artists Arctic Monkeys Hozier The Neighbourhood Twenty One Pilots Gorillaz Tame Impala Dominic Fike The Killers
Most energetic similar artists Kings of Leon MGMT Royel Otis The Jungle Giants Weezer The Vaccines The Drums Foster The People
Most relaxing similar artists Rex Orange County Alex Turner Dominic Fike Lord Huron The Backseat Lovers Arctic Monkeys Hozier Briston Maroney
Most instrumental similar artists Silversun Pickups Djo Lord Huron Glass Animals Royel Otis Beach House The Strokes Peach Pit
Most vocal similar artists Briston Maroney Weezer Rex Orange County Grouplove The Lumineers The Black Keys Dominic Fike Twenty One Pilots
Most acoustic similar artists Dominic Fike Rex Orange County Lord Huron Alex Turner Arctic Monkeys Hozier Milky Chance The White Stripes
Most electronic similar artists Fitz and The Tantrums Silversun Pickups Two Door Cinema Club The Drums Gorillaz The Killers Foster The People Pixies
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