Artists like Dark Angel Exumer Demolition Hammer Evildead Vio-Lence Possessed Hirax Agent Steel Exciter Whiplash Nuclear Assault Sadus Mortal Sin Morbid Saint Razor Hallows Eve Forbidden Toxik Sacrifice Artillery Coroner
Most popular similar artists Slayer Kreator Exodus Obituary Annihilator Metal Church S.O.D. Stormtroopers of Death Celtic Frost
Most energetic similar artists Violator Annihilator Fueled By Fire Attomica Razor Vio-Lence Agent Steel Kreator
Most relaxing similar artists Coroner Celtic Frost Intruder Nasty Savage Vendetta Hallows Eve Defiance S.O.D. Stormtroopers of Death
Most instrumental similar artists S.O.D. Stormtroopers of Death Celtic Frost Coroner Sacrifice Sadus Attomica Laaz Rockit Nuclear Assault
Most vocal similar artists Exumer Defiance Nasty Savage Slayer Agent Steel Annihilator Vio-Lence Obituary
Most acoustic similar artists Nasty Savage S.O.D. Stormtroopers of Death Morbid Saint Forbidden Exciter Nuclear Assault HeXeN Sacred Reich
Most electronic similar artists Mortal Sin Violent Force Attomica Obituary Cancer Fueled By Fire Atrophy Exhorder
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