Artists like Kina Timmies blackbear Ruth B. gnash Duncan Laurence Dibyo Bazzi Ali Gatie benny blanco Chord Overstreet Alec Benjamin itssvd JP Saxe Powfu Teqkoi flora cash Khalid Jaymes Young Adriana Proenza Trevor Daniel
Most popular similar artists Billie Eilish Post Malone Tate McRae The Neighbourhood Khalid James Arthur NF benny blanco
Most relaxing similar artists boy in skirt Jess Benko Teqkoi Tom Rosenthal Monty Datta itssvd Eden Elf Rufi-O
Most instrumental similar artists Kochetkovv j'san boy in skirt Rufi-O RNAQ beaurial Shae Delea Sarah Meow
Most vocal similar artists danny G Post Malone guccihighwaters Alec Benjamin Astrus* NF Promoting Sounds SadBoyProlific
Most acoustic similar artists Tom Rosenthal Rufi-O boy in skirt Eden Elf Teqkoi Jess Benko itssvd Sarah Meow
Most electronic similar artists blackbear Trevor Daniel Two Feet The Neighbourhood Promoting Sounds Khalid Tate McRae James Arthur
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