Artists like Tapes 'n Tapes Menomena Handsome Furs Wolf Parade Ambulance LTD Spencer Krug The Love Language Islands Mikal Cronin Port O'Brien Beulah Surfer Blood La Sera Clap Your Hands Say Yeah The Fresh & Onlys Flake Music Love As Laughter Girls The Long Winters Brendan Benson The Fiery Furnaces
Most popular similar artists Modest Mouse TV On The Radio Deerhunter The Walkmen The New Pornographers The Rural Alberta Advantage Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Tune-Yards
Most energetic similar artists The Thermals Ladyhawk Les Savy Fav Wolf Parade The Love Language The Fresh & Onlys Tune-Yards Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
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Most vocal similar artists Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson Port O'Brien Tune-Yards The Spinto Band The New Pornographers Brendan Benson Okkervil River Spencer Krug
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Most electronic similar artists Ladyhawk Drummer Les Savy Fav The Love Language The Thermals Cymbals Eat Guitars The Fresh & Onlys Flake Music
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