Similar Artists to The Dodos Genres: bay area indiechamber popindie rockstomp and holler Go to artist
Artists like The Dodos Yellow Ostrich Islands Ugly Casanova The Morning Benders Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin Maps & Atlases Menomena Okkervil River Born Ruffians Spencer Krug Wolf Parade Le Loup The Helio Sequence Tapes 'n Tapes The Long Winters 1,2,3 The Love Language Port O'Brien Man Man Thao
Most popular similar artists Fleet Foxes Modest Mouse The Shins Peter Bjorn and John Andrew Bird Bright Eyes Local Natives Grizzly Bear
Most energetic similar artists Jookabox Wolf Parade The Love Language The Shins The Decemberists Modest Mouse Peter Bjorn and John Yeasayer
Most relaxing similar artists Andrew Bird Grizzly Bear Fleet Foxes Ugly Casanova Bowerbirds Coconut Records Sea Wolf Le Loup
Most instrumental similar artists Fleet Foxes Broken Social Scene Le Loup Sea Wolf Grizzly Bear Ugly Casanova Modest Mouse The Walkmen
Most vocal similar artists Jookabox 1,2,3 Port O'Brien The Decemberists The Shins Bright Eyes Headlights Architecture In Helsinki
Most acoustic similar artists Andrew Bird Le Loup WHY? Grizzly Bear Ugly Casanova Sea Wolf Bowerbirds Coconut Records
Most electronic similar artists The Love Language 1,2,3 Tapes 'n Tapes Bright Eyes Local Natives Peter Bjorn and John Jookabox Yeasayer
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