Songs Similar to The CureArtist genres: by Lady Gaga Open in SpotifyAnalyze SongIn Playlists The Cure is a Pop song by Lady Gaga, released on April 16th 2017 in the album The Cure. If you like The Cure, you might also like Sorry by Justin Bieber and The Middle by Zedd and the other songs below ..
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Sorry Justin BieberFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists The Middle ZeddFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Save My Soul JoJoFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists One Foot WALK THE MOONFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Versace on the Floor Bruno MarsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Let Me Love You DJ SnakeFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists burning gold Christina PerriFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Dancing Kylie MinogueFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists React The Pussycat DollsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Here's to Never Growing Up Avril LavigneFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Voices in My Head Ashley TisdaleFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Kiss It Better RihannaFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Write On Me Fifth HarmonyFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Cool Kids EchosmithFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Hold My Hand Jess GlynneFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists BO$$ Fifth HarmonyFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Don't Be so Hard on Yourself Jess GlynneFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Say Something (feat. Chris Stapleton) Justin TimberlakeFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists No Promises (feat. Demi Lovato) Cheat CodesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Just Give Me a Reason (feat. Nate Ruess) P!nkFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Hymn for the Weekend - Seeb Remix ColdplayFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Malibu Miley CyrusFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists M.I.L.F. $ FergieFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Hey Look Ma, I Made It Panic! At The DiscoFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Work For It Jane ZhangFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Younger Now Miley CyrusFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Wrecking Ball Miley CyrusFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists 808 Jane ZhangFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On) Cheat CodesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Some Type of Love Charlie PuthFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists
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