Songs Similar to LoreleiArtist genres: by Cocteau Twins Open in SpotifyAnalyze SongIn Playlists Lorelei is a Rock song by Cocteau Twins, released on November 1st 1984 in the album Treasure. If you like Lorelei, you might also like Beatrix by Cocteau Twins and Pancake by Swirlies and the other songs below ..
100 songs Preview 5 sec 10 sec 30 sec Play Play on Spotify Save Transfer Playlist saved successfully to your Spotify account :) Similar by: Energy BPM Danceability Instrumentalness Acousticness Happiness Popularity Key Mood All Study Chill Workout Sleep Party Happy Sad Beatrix Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Pancake SwirliesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Persephone Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Cybele's Reverie StereolabFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Clementine Elliott SmithFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Come On Let's Go BroadcastFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Sleeping in The Radio Dept.Find SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Pearl - Edit ChapterhouseFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Walkabout The SugarcubesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Into the Deep Time (One Sun) Candy ClawsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Can't Go Wrong Without You His Name Is AliveFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Eyes Are Mosaics Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Traitor The SugarcubesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists This Rainy Decade The Cleaners From VenusFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary ChainFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists I Know Fiona AppleFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Still Ill - 2011 Remaster The SmithsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Ceremony (Version 1) - 2023 Digital Master New OrderFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Kaleidoscope Ringo DeathstarrFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists I Don't Love Have A Nice LifeFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Good Morning, Captain SlintFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Rêverie CranesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Just Drifting Psychic TVFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Lost Autumn's Grey SolaceFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Ella Megalast Burls Forever Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Where I Found You (One Star) Candy ClawsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Land Of My Dreams Anna DominoFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists French Disko StereolabFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists She Will Destroy You Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Kangaroo - Remastered This Mortal CoilFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Load More × Name your playlist Try our Playlist Names Generator.Status Public Secret Create
Beatrix Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Pancake SwirliesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Persephone Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Cybele's Reverie StereolabFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Clementine Elliott SmithFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Come On Let's Go BroadcastFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Sleeping in The Radio Dept.Find SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Pearl - Edit ChapterhouseFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Walkabout The SugarcubesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Into the Deep Time (One Sun) Candy ClawsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Can't Go Wrong Without You His Name Is AliveFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Eyes Are Mosaics Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Traitor The SugarcubesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists This Rainy Decade The Cleaners From VenusFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Taste of Cindy The Jesus and Mary ChainFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists I Know Fiona AppleFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Still Ill - 2011 Remaster The SmithsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Ceremony (Version 1) - 2023 Digital Master New OrderFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Kaleidoscope Ringo DeathstarrFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists I Don't Love Have A Nice LifeFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Good Morning, Captain SlintFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Rêverie CranesFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Just Drifting Psychic TVFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Lost Autumn's Grey SolaceFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Ella Megalast Burls Forever Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Where I Found You (One Star) Candy ClawsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Land Of My Dreams Anna DominoFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists French Disko StereolabFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists She Will Destroy You Cocteau TwinsFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists Kangaroo - Remastered This Mortal CoilFind SimilarAnalyze SongIn Playlists
Related Artists Have A Nice Life The Radio Dept. Broadcast New Order Swirlies The Sugarcubes Elliott Smith Candy Claws Fiona Apple Psychic TV Chapterhouse Stereolab Ringo Deathstarr The Smiths Slint His Name Is Alive The Jesus and Mary Chain Cranes Cocteau Twins The Cleaners From Venus