Top 100 Songs of 1983
List of the most popular songs realeased in the year 1983, ranked by current popularity on Spotify.
Genres: Classic rockPermanent waveRock
Genres: RockAlbum rockNew romantic
Genres: Soft rock
Genres: New wave popSoft rockDisco
Genres: Soft rockNew romanticNew wave
Genres: French synthpopItalo disco
Genres: Album rockClassic rock
Genres: RockHard rockHeavy metal
Genres: Roots reggaeReggae
Genres: Mellow goldPiano rockRock
Genres: RockHard rockThrash metal
Genres: Hard rockGlam metalGlam rock
Genres: ClassicalClassical piano
Genres: Classic bluesModern bluesBlues
Genres: Soft rockClassic rockMellow gold
Genres: Glam rockHard rockGlam metal
Genres: MotownNorthern soulQuiet storm
Genres: Thrash metalHeavy metalMetal
Genres: Glam metalHard rockHeavy metal
Genres: MadchesterNew wavePost-punk
Genres: RockAlbum rockClassic rock
Genres: Classical pianoClassical
Genres: RocksteadyDubRoots reggae
Genres: Arena rockGlam metalHard rock
Genres: Quiet stormSoulMotown
Genres: Modern bluesBluesSouthern rock
Genres: Classic rockRockSouthern rock
Genres: Classic rockRockSouthern rock