Top 100 Songs of 1995
List of the most popular songs realeased in the year 1995, ranked by current popularity on Spotify.
Genres: RockAlternative rock
Genres: Soft rockMellow goldClassic rock
Genres: Alternative rockRock
Genres: BritpopMadchesterRock
Genres: SalsaSalsa romanticaMerengue
Genres: BritpopMadchesterRock
Genres: Neo mellowCanadian popPop rock
Genres: EuropopTalent showBoy band
Genres: Alternative rockGrunge
Genres: MetalIndustrialNu metal
Genres: BritpopMadchesterRock
Genres: Cumbia norteñaGruperaCumbia
Genres: Movie tunesSinger-songwriter
Genres: Alternative rockRock
Genres: Country
Genres: Alternative rockArt rock
Genres: Disco houseHip houseVocal house
Genres: Alternative rockRock
Genres: CorridoSierrenoCorridos clasicos
Genres: Pop rock
Genres: Industrial rockMetalIndustrial
Genres: SalsaSalsa romanticaMerengue
Genres: Rock en espanolArgentine rockSka
Genres: Cumbia norteñaDuranguenseGrupera
Genres: Alternative rockGrunge